Metztli Reiser4 SFRN 4.0.2 netboot based on Debian 12 Amatlocuilin, i.e., Bookworm

Today we are releasing Metztli Reiser4 Software Format Release Number (SFRN) 4.0.2 with Linux kernel 5.17.12-3+reiser4.0.2. Our Metztli Reiser4 minimum netboot image will enable you to format, partition, and install Debian 12 Amatlocuilin, i.e., Bookworm, (in the Nahuatl language ;) into a storage medium natively prepared with the reiser4 file system.

Metztli Reiser4 Debian 12 Amatlocuilin, i.e., Bookworm, netboot installer

Updated Github DEB Repository: Engine X (Nginx) Mainline 1.23.1 with Integrated ModSecurity v3 Nginx Connector v1.0.3.

Earlier I updated a Github repository which generates DEB packages suitable for Metztli Reiser4 and/or Debian Bullseye Backports for AMD64. It has only been tested under Metztli Reiser4, AMD64 architecture -- as we run this site under similar build.

New Collection post: Reiser4 and Linux version Macuilli.Matlactli, i.e., 5.10

Running Linux 5.17-2 reiser4 Software Framework Release Number (SFRN) 4.0.2
We eat our own digital cooking! Linux 5.10.17-2 Reiser4, Software Framework Release Number (SFRN) 4.0.2, running locally

The reiser4 file system patches currently available for Linux kernel 5.10 (as of February 20, 2021) have not been updated to address the 'historic ditching [of] defunct addressing artefact... called set_fs()'.

Sputnik V

Sputnik V, world's first Covid 19 vaccine registered by Russia.

Similar to Reiser4, a superb file system widely developed by Russian programmers, Sputnik V, the world's first registered Covid-19 vaccine breakthrough was largely, if not completely, developed by Russian scientists. Unfortunately, both monumental achievements have been dismissed by the stunted intellects who, perched on a speciously high moral/scientific platform provided by their corporate masters, will dismiss, disparage, and/or censor anything not developed within their virtue-whitewashed Corporatocracy.

New Collection post: Exposing Hacks for ZSTD -compressed Metztli Reiser4 / Debian Buster bps Linux 5.5.caxtolli∙omome and initramfs.

So yes, this post was about utilizing the last Debian packaging for Linux kernel 5.5 series, i.e., 5.5.13, and applying upstream delta patches to bring it up to 5.5.15. However, as I was writing this post kernel 5.5.16 became available --which is what I will aim to patch and, subsequently, I will 'Add support for ZSTD-compressed kernel and initramfs' via a customized patch. And lastly, I will apply reiser4 for 5.5.5 patch --which still applies smoothly over kernel 5.5.15, and hopefully 5.5.16, and build our hacked kernel.

New Collection post: Build PHP 7.3.9̶ 10 ZTS and, pthreads, on Metztli Reiser4: Как же мало нужно для счастья.

PHP 7.3.10 ZTS and pthreads
'pthreads v3 is restricted to operating in CLI only'

Realizing that the PHP developer of pthreads has, using the proverbial expression, 'thrown his, baby, out with the bathwater'5, I had second thoughts about writing this post.

Meltdown and Spectre Chip Vulnerabilities Target Cloud Providers.

cihuatl meltdown
Meltdown and Spectre
On January 06, 2018, Metztli IT released Metztli Reiser4 Linux 4.14.12-1 for Debian stretch-backports on AMD64 architecture -- which extensions are also licensed by Intel -- that addresses Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) and Spectre (CVE-2017-5753 / CVE-2017-5715)...

2014: Apache OpenOffice 4.1 to bring Enhanced Accessibility Support

Based on the donation of IBM Lotus Symphony code, in early 2014 Apache OpenOffice 4.1 will bring Enhanced Accessibility Support.

Integration of the Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and IAccessible2 interfaces support into Apache OpenOffice will enable screen readers and other assistive technologies; upcoming feature translates into greater productivity for blind or low-vision persons who use ApacheOO in your organization.

Contact us for consulting, support, and/or deployment assistance.

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