On 12/30/2013 Metztli IT added support to embed RuTube videos into b2evolution 5.0.6 available on Metztli GitHub repository for Red Hat Openshift platform-as-a-service (PaaS) Cloud delivery model.

If you have not done already, Get Started on OpenShift by creating a free account on a free tier to host your own b2evolution secure multi-blog, content management system (CMS), or content community management system (CCMS) on the cloud.

Should you need additional information than the README file at Metztli GitHub repository to create your own b2evolution instance, please see our more elaborate tutorial: Creating a b2evolution App From GitHub for OpenShift PaaS Cloud.

For illustrative purposes, I have embedded a couple of RuTube videos in Metztli IT's Tezcatzontecatl test cloud instance on OpenShift (please scroll down the blog page).

Appropos, adding RuTube videos in b2evolution editor is similar to adding YouTube videos:
b2evolution RuTube
simply add the identication string of your RuTube video to the prompt that appears when you select the appropriate Video menu item. Once you become familiar with b2evolution you might even enter the text string info directly into the editor.

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