Xochitlapaltic: Red Flower
Xochitl, concept of the *real* Mexicah's non-western creativity/thought process: 'Chingon'!
Xochitl : Цветок : Flower
Xochitl : Цветок : Flower
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A couple of ensuing build iterations following previous successful build of Engine X (Nginx), I updated my original patch to include a sample b2evolution Blog/CMS configuration. At the same time Nginx 1.17.0 was released and I decided to upgrade a Metztli Reiser4 instance running Nginx 1.16.0 in the cloud. Once that instance was running Nginx 1.17.0, notwithstanding, Drupal CMS 8.x.y Status Report displayed a notice advising that PHP 7.2 would be a significant improvement over PHP 7.0; this latter, however, is the only currently available version even in Debian Stretch backports repository used by Metztli Reiser4. The following post thus illustrates 'the Debian way' guiding procedure that I hacked to build PHP 7.3.5̶ 6, a slightly newer version than that currently found in the upcoming Debian Buster repositories.

Continue reading Build PHP 7.3.5̶ 6 for Nginx 1.17.0 on Metztli Reiser4 'the Debian Way' for Stretch Backports on AMD64....

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