Open Source Software at Metztli IT

Metztli means Moon in the ancient Nahuatl language of the Ixachitlan  (Landmass Immensity) as -- prior to the European invasion in 1492 -- the 'American continent' was first known to the Mexicah. As the Moon's appearance undergoes a dynamic renovation, so do we at Metztli Information Technology innovate, renovate, and reinvent ourselves through our strategic utilization of free and open source software (FOSS) into our technical solutions.

Metztli Information Technology is an organization aligned with IBM Dynamic Infrastructure as a Service initiatives to fulfill the vision of an integrated, resource efficient, Smarter Planet. We provide consulting and implementation services for the emergent cloud computing services paradigm as well as enabling technologies such as containers and virtualization. Whenever possible we provide standards based solutions and implement top-notch free and open source software (FOSS) solutions so as to provide our customers with quality viable alternatives to the potential lock-in of proprietary software. We are located in San Jose, California, in the heart of the Silicon Valley.

We have experience in open source software virtualization technology as well as with open Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers such as CloudSigma, INAP, SoftLayer, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), UpCloud, and Google Compute Engine (GCE) hosting, backup/recovery, and general data migrations to open platform virtual machine instances/clusters.

As Red Hat leads the way with OpenShift, its non-locking platform as a service (PaaS), we have also developed a b2evolution proof-of-concept hosted at GitHub to showcase our familiarity with the Red Hat Cloud.

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