Let Metztli IT help your online pressence succeed. We will customize and deploy a quality and resilient multi-blog, content management system (CMS), forums, online documentation, etc., based on b2evolution or Drupal -- your choice.
We specialize in the development of custom Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, a.k.a., LAMP stack, for strong web applications like b2evolution and Drupal.
We use Debian GNU/Linux as base for most of our projects due to its excellent community strength.
Apache is the perfect Linux companion as web server for your online content. At its current version 2.4.20 offers unrivaled options virtualized, on the cloud, or in dedicated physical servers.
MariaDB offers the performance and feature set over the attrition that may be setting on MySQL -- as a result of the latter's proprietary sponsor.
Did I mention that after we built PHP 7 we were extremely pleased with its compatibility with b2evolution 6.7.3 and Druapl 8.x?
Indeed, we do all of the above and more! Our aim is your success in your online endeavors and thus your satisfaction with our work. How may we help you?