Realizing that the PHP developer of pthreads has, using the proverbial expression, 'thrown his puppy...er, baby, out with the bathwater'5, I had second thoughts about writing this post. I mean, to build the latest PHP 7.3.9̶ 10 the 'Debian way' for Metztli Reiser4 / Debian Buster BPs was the only topic I was gonna annotate as my reference post. Notwithstanding, online I read of people literally 'twerking' with phpize to build pthreads support for their PHP ZTS build and I thought: the 'Debian way' really simplifies the procedure. What I mean is, after we hack the Debian packaging for PHP into producing a KrakJoe6pthreads extension, all we have to do is install relevant DEB package and...that's it! ;D to enable the much sought after feature. I am not an expert on Toltecayotl --much less pthreads -- so we will recycle a couple small test 'pthreaded' programs, execute them, and that --hopefully-- will be a measure of our success ;)
Continue reading at Metztli Tonalamatl... Build PHP 7.3.9̶ 10 ZTS and puppies...er, pthreads, on Metztli Reiser4: Как же мало нужно для счастья.